Game isn't finished but that's cool, probably won't be any more development after this as it was just for a game jam and the assets took genuine hours to create as there was so many we needed to make the game playable, sorry.

George - Unity and assets

Emison - Assets

Maisie - Asets

Dean - Assets

Published 6 days ago
StatusIn development
GenreInteractive Fiction


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There's some moments of this game where the humour shines through and I like the little Junji ito reference you snuck in. With all four of you working on assets though I wonder if the project could have been managed more efficiently, this would have given you clearer and consistent art style while freeing three of you up to work on other areas of the game. The bit where one of the choices time out is a nice touch and shows the potential here that could be explored further. Well done getting a game in!